
Choosing the Right SEO Partner for Your Business

When selecting an SEO agency to handle your online marketing strategy, due diligence is crucial. Don’t be afraid to ask for references and testimonials.

Web Marketing: A New Year’s 2011 Guide for Success

New Year, New Strategies: Explore our 201 1 web marketing checklist to ensure your business thrives online throughout the year

Social Media’s Impact on Search Engine Rankings

Social media may have an important impact in the search engine results, as well as creating brand new links for you and your business

Adobe Announces Flash to be Indexed by Search Engines

Why I’m sceptical regarding Adobe’s announcement that it is taking steps to enhance search results visibility for sites using its Flash technology.

Rolling on a Whiteboard Friday

I thought I would ‘up-the-ante’ with the following with Jimmy Page from Led Zeppelin showing us how it really is on a SEOMoz Whiteboard Friday

SEO Optimising Website Structure for Cross-Browser Compatibility

A large part of SEO takes place in the structure of the website. There are many facets to this. One of them, and especially if part of the job calls for redevelopment is to get a site cross-browser friendly.

SEO Forecasts for 2006 Analysed

I have been reading and deciphering Stuntdubl’s blog and his post 40 SEM 2006 Predictions where he posted his 2006 online marketing forecast.

Future Look at SEO

The future of SEO will be the web on the move. This means developing websites to be mobile friendly and accessible for visitors.

Website Code Optimisation for Better Rankings

An overlooked factor of SEO is the coding of a website. If a site is using outdated code it can have a detrimental effect especially with new technologies

Online Marketing with “Red Project Solutions”

Red Project SEO is a service we developed to rescue sites that are losing rankings in the major search engines.